Maria Fátima – Cunene JC – Angola

My name is Maria Isabel de Fatima, I am a full  member and dedicate in the net of Salvation at the Sun Group.

The testimony of faith I will report is related to the special donation of gratitude for the Great Construction .

I have been suffering with pain in my chest, cough and arterial hypertension for more than a year.During this pandemic, I did my best to follow the guidance by practicing Johrei even more, work on my vegetable garden, do my donation of gratitude and distribute flowers in my workplace.

My purification aggravated so I decided to consult with a doctor, who diagnosed liver stone. The doctors suggested I should have surgery and transferred me to Lubango Central Hospital. To thank for this purification I materialized my special donation of gratitude for the Great Construction.

Arriving there, I was asked to do more exams. Three days later the results confirmed the previous diagnosis, making my blood pressure rise to 260. The doctors tried everything to lower it but with no effect, the surgery was delayed. The next day another doctor came to see me and asked for a new exam. This exam showed that the stone was gone and there was no need for a surgery.

For the blessing received I thank God, Messiah Meishu-Sama and my ancestors.

With this testimony of faith I have learned that when we serve in the divine work of Meishu-Sama, He inevitably protects us.

My commitment is to do my maximum effort to serve in the Divine Work of salvation.

Thank You!

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