Innocent Obakeng Kekae


innocentMy name is Innocent Obakeng Kekae, I am 3 years old and I was guided to this church in 2012 through my father, Solly Mashaba, who is a full member.

I have been having infection in my eyes for a long time and it would become reddish (red). To solve my eyes problem, my parents would take me to the clinic in order to get me some medication, but still not solving my problem.

I started receiving Johrei daily from my father and after few weeks, my eyes became better and it’s not sore anymore.

The testimony of faith I would like to share is related to the power of the Amatsu-Norito Prayer.

Every day I would go with my mother to dedicate on the Norokie farm; I  also planted , watered the plants and used tools to work on it.

My mother told the minister that she got very surprised one day when I started reciting the prayer “Amatsu-Norito”, because even for her the prayer is quite difficult to chant, and that she always read the prayer from the paper, but then she started paying attention to the way I pray. Last Wednesday, 19th of March, my mother was not feeling well and said to me: “Obakeng, today I am not going to dedicate and you are also not going to the crèche, because I am not feeling well”, then I said to her: “No mama, I am going to do the Amatsu-Norito Prayer and after that you will be able to feel better”. Then I raised my hand and chanted the Prayer. After this, she started gaining the strength to wake up and dedicate.

Whenever my mother takes me to the crèche, I always want to pass at Norokie Farm first to dedicate, and after the morning Service I then go to the crèche.

My mother has the following report: “The other day I listened to a teacher at his crèche, telling me that Obakeng is doing a strange prayer and pray for 20 kids one by one raising the hands. On the street I am being approached by parents of these kids saying that, our kids told us that Obakeng said they should pray us with a silence hand prayer. Even Mama Reitha Sithole who dedicates with us, confirm that her granddaughter last night made her grandfather to stand up, turn around to receive Johrei as guided by Obakeng”.

I started to pray for my grandfather and grandmother, and I told my grandmother, which is suffering with eyes complications, that she must come to church and receive Johrei, and she will be able to see again. After this, my grandmother started to attend the spiritual upliftment service of our ancestors every Wednesday, and now both of my grandparents, two aunts, and cousins are coming to attend the Wednesday or Sunday service.

Currently, 10 people are coming on Sunday Service and they told me that they have being motivated by me to attend the service.

My commitment is to make the donation to receive the Shoko with my parents help, so that I can fulfil my mission.

To all present, thank you very much.

Norokie, 06 of April 2014.


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