January 1, 2016

In deep awe and fear of God, I say that God is the Creator of each one of us. In the beginning, before the Creation of the whole universe, in heaven, God divided His very own being and bore us as divine spirits in order to confer the status of “Messiah” or “child of God” on us – humanity. Bearing God’s own spirit, each one of us was then sent to earth according to the right time and place determined by our heavenly Father.

God also sent Meishu-sama to earth. Being led by divine will and with his devotion to God, Meishu-sama was able to be born anew as a Messiah during his lifetime on earth and acquired the status as a child of God. God fulfilled His whole purpose of Creation by giving birth to a Son, Meishu-sama, and became his Father. To become a Father is the inexplicable joy and glory of God.

On this day of the New Year, I, together with all of you followers both in Japan and abroad, would like to receive and give back this glory to God and humbly offer our most sincere congratulations to God and Meishu-sama for their joy.

The joy of God is within us. God has already filled this joy of becoming the Father of Meishu-sama within everyone and everything. God is now guiding us and training us so that we, as ones who are connected to Messiah Meishu-sama, can also acquire the status as a child of God – a Messiah. Full of gratitude to God for His guidance and training, I, together with all of you, would like to offer our New Year’s greetings to God our Father.

Happy New Year!


I believe every one of us, without exception, seek happiness in this life and we think that the well-being of mind and body or being healthy in general is essential to attaining happiness. I live my life in this way, too. Being healthy, of course, is so important in our lives.

But as we pursue the well-being of our mind and body in this world, we have becomeshort-sighted; we have placed so much significance on the limited and physical life that we have forgotten the eternal and spiritual life within us.

I would like to introduce two tanka poems by Meishu-sama to you.

Always remember the following truth –

That humans are created by God;

We humans play no part in the creation of humanity.


Know this my followers:

God is the Lord and Master of your life, not you.

Your life is in the hands of God.

Who can question this truth that we humans are created by God and that our life belongs to God? We know that all of God’s creations and things that belong to Him last forever and are filled with the life of God. If our life is filled with the life of God, it must live through all time and eternity.

But remember how we have become short-sighted and placed greater value on the physical world, on our physical life. Without realizing it, we have moved apart from God and sinned. This has to be corrected. We now need to confess this sin to God, ask for His forgiveness through Meishu-sama and yearn to receive our life as the eternal life of God. Together, let us ask for His forgiveness:

Dear God, the Father of us all, I stole the life You gave me and have been possessing it as mine. In the name of Messiah Meishu-sama, forgive my sin and welcome me into Your heaven. If it is Your wish, I would like to return my life to You and receive Your eternal life as my new life.

Meishu-sama taught us that we carry eternal life. Some of us may think that our life is eternal through reincarnation. But this is wrong. The only way that our life can be eternal is through acknowledging that our life belongs to God. After all, there is only one entity that possesses the quality of eternity: God. Accept our life as God’s, become His children and be born anew as Messiahs – this is how we can obtain eternal life. This is the only way.Meishu-sama also confirmed this just a little less than a year before he passed away.

In June 1954, amidst suffering from great pain of the brain hemorrhage, Meishu-sama announced that he was born anew as a Messiah and said plainly that acquiring the status of a Messiah was different from reincarnation.

On this occasion, he also said, “On my part, I am getting a lot younger.” He did not utter these words because he was recovering from his stroke. He said this when he was still suffering from the acute pain of the stroke, at the age of 71. What do you think this means? I believe it means that we humans are not the ones whose existence ends with physical death but the ones who can grow spiritually and eternally if we accept our life as the life of the eternal God.

This mission of being born anew as a Messiah is not only for special persons like Meishu-sama. It is the mission of each one of us, too. Our mission as a human being is to become a child of God and acquire the status as a Messiah. That is why, I believe, Meishu-sama added the phrase “on my part” when he declared that he was born as a Messiah.

He wanted us to realize that “on our part” we still have a mission to accomplish – to receive God as our Father and obtain eternal life. Meishu-sama is now asking us, “On your part, have you received the life of God and become younger?” For those who would like to be connected to Messiah Meishu-sama and receive the eternal life of God, let us respond to his question together and shout out to him either out loud or in our mind:

Being connected to Messiah Meishu-sama, I, on my part, have gotten much younger!

Out of His great love, God wants to make all humanity His children and become our true Father. God is now advancing this work without rest, within each one of us.

In the name of Messiah Meishu-sama, I, together with all the followers around the world, would like to thank God for His love and would like to praise our heavenly Father with all my heart and soul.

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