
🙏✨Prayer of Light

God is Light,
And where there is Light, peace, happiness and joy abound. In Darkness, conflict, poverty and disease pervade.
For those who seek Light and prosperity, come! Come to the Light and call on the name of Messiah! You, then, will be saved.

✋️✨Our Pledge

We, the members of World Church of Messiah, aim to be born anew as children of God, following the footsteps of Meishu-sama, who attained the status of a Messiah, a child of God.
All of us became the children of our physical parents by way of physical birth. Now, we believe that we must be newly born, once more, as the children of God, recognizing that our true Parent is the Eternal and Living God.
Just as our physical parents named us at our birth, God granted us a name when He bore us in heaven.
We believe that this name is Messiah and that all humans are born on earth to become God’s children, Messiahs. In order to be accepted by God as His children, we believe that we need to make a conscious effort to direct
our hearts to God in our daily life.
We praise and glorify God, acknowledge Him as the Creator and attribute every manifestation in our life to
We believe that these efforts will gradually make us grow to become who we must be, that is, children of God.

🤝✨Words of Prayer

God, I acknowledge that You are alive.
Within me, You are alive.
I thank You for nurturing me to be newly born as Your child. May this blessing be shared with all.
In the name of Messiah that is one with Meishu-sama,
I surrender myself to You.
Please use me as You wish.

“Prayer of Light,” originally written by Meishu-Sama, was presented in the inaugural issue of World of Divine Light magazine in 1935, soon after the founding of the religion. In regards to the phrase “the name of Messiah,” please refer to Kyoshu-Sama’s New Year Message of 2017.


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