Marie Nsamba – Mbujimayi JC – RDC _ ENG

My name is Marie Nsamba. I am a member, 57 years old, married and mother of five kids. I live in the city of Mbujimayi, In the community of Kanshi.

I was guided to the World Messianic Church by my neighbor because of the health problems that tormented me.

My right leg was swollen. This swelling came with strong articulation pains. This disease started when I was pregnant of my third daughter. Today, she is married and has three kids. I say this so you can understand the long period of time that I faced this suffering and pain. I walked with this difficulty. I couldn’t even hold anything on my head.

To find a solution to this problem, I went to many churches and priests came to pray with holy water. I also went to prophets! I visited almost every Church but found no relief. If that wasn’t enough, my mother passed away during this hard time and my husband left me.

At first I could walk, but the swelling didn’t let me do this easily. My family took me to marabus, healers, sorcerers; even wizards and magicians to save me. But, with no success. I seeked at least some relief yet the cure was too far away to be found. It was in this condition that I was guided to the Messianic faith.

In the World Messianic Church, I was received by the Center head. He guided me to receive 10 Johrei per day, do the profound reflection, practice the donation of gratitude for the purification and to keep a flower of light at home.

As I received Johrei, the pain got worse and the conflict intensified in my family, because my brothers didn’t accept the Messianic practices (receive Johrei and  make a home natural vegetable garden). I got to the point of being called a witch!

This was very curious. My older sisters and my younger brothers left me because of the World Messianic Church, but they helped me when I went to healers, Marabus, sorcerers or other pastors! This attitude really annoyed me. But, as I was sick, I continued to follow the given guidances. I did a profound reflection, opening my heart. Then, I understood my mistakes that were the roots of my sufferings.

Then, the minister added the guidance of guiding people at the Church’s door, showing us that if we want to be happy we need to make other people happy.

He showed me how to guide people. In the first day, I guided a person. The following day, I guided 3 people. Since my leg was still injured, I thought that the minister was not feeling sorry for me by giving this guidance. But as time went by, I got used to it until one day I guided 10 people!

That day, at night, I dreamt with my late mother. She was showing me a wide-open field, but with only one corn plant. She said to me:” Here is your field. It is empty and there is nothing to eat. Where would your happiness come from, if you didn’t work for it?”

I explained the dream to the minister who put me in a support group, giving assistance at other people’s houses.

After I participated in the cleaning of a member’s house, I had another dream with my mother thanking me for all the efforts made during the cleaning! She started making an incision in my swollen right leg and dirty blood started to come out. My mother said to me:” This blood was polluted! ”

The next day, my leg started recovering considerably! The people in my family who didn’t want me to go to the Church started going there to receive Johrei. They accept the practices of the home natural vegetable garden.

More than a week later, my leg deflated and my health recovered completely . It was what I had been waiting for 15 years! I made a special donation to materialize my gratitude.

I learned that Johrei is an extraordinary force of salvation!

I made the commitment to become a full member so, I’m a candidate to receive the Ohikari. I give service in the earth group, where I guide people to the church and distribute flowers as well as do deep cleanings. I take care of five homes in the neighborhood.

I thank the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama as well as my ancestors. I am also grateful for the minister who helped me understand the mission of this Church.

My sincere gratitude!


Thank you very much!

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