Donina Njambela da Silva – Malongo NS – Luanda/Angola_ENG

My name is Donina Njambela da Silva. I am a missionary and give service as the assistant of the Moon group in the women society. I am also in charge of the net of salvation of the Malongo neighbourhood.

The testimony of faith that I now share with you is related to giving service cleaning, distribution of flowers, donation of the Sorei-Saishi and the donation of gratitude in preparation for the Annual Ancestors Service, during the lockdown.

Based on the guidance from the President of the World Messianic Church of Africa during the lockdown and in preparation for the Annual Ancestors Service, I started participating in the online services, doing the cleanings, distribution of flowers at people’s houses and in other places, materialisation of the donation of gratitude and donation of Sorei-Saishi for the enshrining of our lineages at the Sacred Grounds.

I experienced significant changes in my life and in the life of my family, which I now share with you:

Last month some full members visited my house. After a brief conversation, they said that came to do a deep cleaning. My son, when heard about the cleaning, got upset. He locked himself in his room , abandoning the missionaries that came. I was so ashamed, but they calmed me down! We prayed in front of the picture of the Messiah Meishu-Sama and thanked Him for the purification, materializing a donation. Despite this situation, the full members did the deep cleaning at my house, flower workshop and renewed my vegetable garden. In the end, they also distributed flowers in my neighbours’ houses.

After three days, some policemen came to my house at 5 am. They were looking for my son who did not want his room to be cleaned. They claimed that he and his friends had stolen bricks from a certain construction site in order to continue the work they were doing in another site. I was worried, because my son had been invited to participate in that construction work. However, I followed the policemen to the police station, where I was informed  the detainees had to pay bail of fifty thousand kwanzas for each person to return the bricks for that work. If we did not pay the amounts, they would be sent to the police station of Viana. As the case was complicated and we did not have enough money for this, I decided to place everything in the hands of the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama, focusing on my task of taking care of the houses of the people I’m in charge of!

There was a member who was purifying with vision problems and was teary for a week. For that reason, she couldn’t leave the house. Together with some full members, I assisted her. We did the cleaning, flower workshop and march of Johrei at her house. To her amazement, on the same night while sleeping, she noticed that something left her body and she felt relieved. The next day, the pains that caused her a lot of suffering for a week, disappeared completely. As a way of expressing her gratitude, she materialized a special donation.

As for my son, after a week without visiting him, the policemen came home with him. He was injured and, as if it were not enough, they broke into his bedroom, messed up all his belongings and returned to the police station with him. Once again I went to the picture of the Messiah Meishu-Sama, thanking him for that situation.

The moment I made the prayer with a donation, I heard voices saying: “Njambela, you don’t have to pay the money to the police because we created this situation!Tomorrow, go to the Sacred Grounds to thank God with a special donation. The donation you made is not enough! We came from far away and we need money for our transport. Hence, put in the envelope all the money you have in your bag and go to the Sacred Grounds to materialize it, because your son’s situation will be solved! ” And so, I put into practice what my ancestors guided me.

After materializing the donation and dedicating at the Sacred Grounds, at 7 pm of the same day, my son returned home. Tired and with tears in his eyes he said: “Mother, please pray and give me Johrei!” The moment I gave him Johrei, he cried a lot and said: “Today, it would be the day of my death but, thanks to God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and the prayer that you did, I was saved! I was accused by my boss and colleagues of having a weapon that enabled us to perform robberies!” After listening to these words I went to the picture of the Messiah Meishu-Sama, to thank for the new life  my son received. After this situation, he decided to attend our church and clean his room.

After doing the cleaning, workshop and march of Johrei in his room my son, who had not spoken to his father for five years, asked for forgiveness for his misbehaviour and their relationship became more harmonious. Today, he has become an obedient boy and helps me with all the housework, something that didn’t happen before.

I was experiencing a huge conflict at home with my children. After the cleaning, the flower workshop and religious assistance that I did at other houses, the spiritual environment of my house was completely transformed. Today, harmony with my children has become a reality!

With these testimonies of faith, I learned that when we are in a deadlock, we must detach, put everything in the hands of the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama and do our part!

My commitment is to continue to give service and materialize my construction donation to connect our roots with the construction of the future Sacred Grounds of Africa!

With permission from the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama, I have already guided more than twenty people to the church, of whom five have become full members. I tithe, do daily donations, have the natural home vegetable garden, am registered, participate in church activities and take care of other people!

I thank the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and my ancestors for the permission to know this great path of salvation!

To the reverend, ministers, Center Heads, members and full members who have directly or indirectly contributed to my spiritual growth,  thank you!

To all who heard my testimony of faith, my sincere gratitude!

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