Inácia Quaresma Neto – Cacuaco FC/Boavista JC – Luanda/Angola_ENG

My name is Inácia Quaresma Neto. I am a full member, give service as an assistant of the Moon group and also participate of the Lady’s society.

The testimony of faith that I now share with you is related to participating in the online services and in the basic practices of faith in members’ houses and in the workplace.

On the 27th of June of the current year I participated in the online seminar for ministers and missionaries done by our president, Reverend Claudio, in conjunction with the headquarters of Africa.

I had been participating in the online services and seminars but what caught my attention was the way that the Reverend did the seminar. Each testimony that was read could be explained by the teachings of Meishu-Sama. This shows to anyone the veracity of the church and the teachings and the importance of each one of us to focus on it. He also spoke about the need for each one of us, according to our role, to plan and prepare for the Annual Ancestors’ Service that will be held on the 2nd of November of this year.

While returning home I decided to make a timetable and put it into action, even during this lockdown. Since we are preparing for the Annual Ancestors’ Service, I had the Sonen of renewing the vegetable garden at my workplace, vegetable garden in the houses of the people that I take care of and do the flower workshops at the houses.

One day, I had the permission to do religious assistance at a member’s house. He was purifying with two swollen legs. I channelled him Johrei and we did the flower workshop and cleaning together with his family. To my happiness, three days later I visited him again and found him completely recovered! He couldn’t go anywhere but now he can. Today, he and his family receive Johrei and they are preparing to pilgrimage to places of greater light as soon as the churches open.

With this, I didn’t stop and continued my dedication, having done five vegetable gardens at member’s houses. I also renewed the vegetable garden in my workplace and did a deep cleaning there.

With this effort in giving service I received a surprise at my workplace. My boss called me and said: ‘Inácia, from now on your salary will go through some changes. Instead of it being forty thousand Kwanzas it will double to eighty thousand Kwanzas! We also opened an account for you so that you can start receiving the money from the bank.”

Thanks to the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama everything happened at the right time!

With all these happenings I materialised a special donation of gratitude to thank the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and my Ancestors.

With these testimonies of faith, I learned that the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and our ancestors don’t give us what we want but they give us what we deserve!

My commitment is to continue serving in the Divine Work as an instrument of the Divine Master Meishu-Sama, change the Sonen of everyone with whom I have affinity turning them into true altruistic people for the formation of the hundred thousand committed families until the conclusion of the future Sacred Grounds of Africa!

I thank the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and my ancestors for awakening my divine nature!

Thank you!

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