Thaís Cristiane Brandão de Oliveira Pinheiro – Pretoria Fc – South Africa



My name is Thaís Cristiane Brandão de Oliveira Pinheiro, I am 17 years old and give service at the Formation Centre of Pretoria.

I have experienced many testimonies of faith because I was born in a Messianic home.

The testimony of faith  I would like to share today is regarding the power of Meishu-Sama through the teachings and flowers of light.

My teacher has a passion for plants and he has  many plants inside and outside his classroom, which he takes special attention. In August of this year, I sent him a pdf file of nature farming related teachings, which he read and asked questions about. I also asked him to stop using fertilizers in his plants, even the organic fertilizers that he used. He agreed.

His mother passed away later in august and I decided to take flowers to his classroom. I didn’t find him there, but as the door was open, I left the Ikebana  and went home. Still on my way home, he sent me a message thanking for the flowers and  said that he wasn’t in his classroom because he was looking for flowers to place there. I was very happy and saw that as a sign that I should not stop  distributing  flowers in my school.

As I mentioned earlier, he loves plants but he didn’t have any flowers at school, only at home. In september I sent him all the flowers and art related teachings. After he read them, he asked why  flowers without roots are used to make Ikebanas as they will not last as long as the ones with roots. I explained to him the importance of flowers of light in uplifting one’s spirit and changing the spiritual environment of the place the Ikebana is placed in. Then, he told me about all the flowers he has at home and  brought one of them and placed outside his class in a way that  most of the school learners would see.

The Ikebana lasted three weeks in his classroom but he took it for granted and when the flowers died, he noticed  the negative change, as the class environment was heavy and learners were disrespectful and were having many anxiety attacks during the classes. I made a new Ikebana for his classroom asking Meishu-Sama to take His light to those learners through the flower.

The flower he took to school, was four years old and each spring it bloomed two flowers only. This year, after the teachings and after I asked him not to use fertilizers anymore, the same plant has given two branches of 4 flowers each and he said that “Maybe it was the change in the environment” and I only thought “The spiritual environment, yes. Thank you Meishu-Sama! ”.

I have been given the permission to give Johrei to two classmates of mine and give the teachings to other two. One of them after reading the teachings phoned me to clarify her questions about what she read. I was very happy because I didn’t think she would even read them.

I would like to thank the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama for giving me this permission of taking the Divine Light to those families!

My commitment is to continue serving as a Divine Instrument in the construction of paradise on Earth!

To all who heard my testimony of faith, my sincere gratitude!

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