My name is Shirley Portia Cordelia Mdhluli, I am 50 years, a South African citizen. I am currently staying in Saulsville. I have been member for 6 month.
I was guided to the Church by a family friend Elijah Mashiane who is also a missionary in this church. One day he came to my house and he told me that our house has a big yard and he ask if he could come and make a vegetable plot, every time when we meet he would ask me the same thing about the vegetable plot and I would just ignore him.
After a very long time I finally agreed and he came with some missionaries and they did the vegetable plot, I thought it was not going to work because there was lot of stones, I watched them day by day as they were removing the stones. I was not participating in the dedication I would just look at them I thought that nothing was going to grow in that soil.
After they have planted they gave me the task to water the garden, that’s how I got involved with the garden and I watched the plants growing until we started eating. Every time when they come for the garden I would receive Johrei.
After the passing of my mother, I started experiencing financial difficulties and I use to have constant headaches, I was also having problems with my son who is using drug(nyaoppe) he would steal everything in the house, stealing from neighbors’. Since I am unemployed my elder daughter had to take care of the whole family alone.
I sat with the missionaries and they gave me the following guidance:
- Receive Johrei every day,
- Do practice of sonen with the daily donation,
- Do my tithe,
- Keep flowers of light at home,
- Do the profound cleaning,
- Attend the church Services.
I managed to follow the guidance without any difficulties and I managed to see the following changes:
- After receiving the first Johrei, I felt so relieved and the amazing part is that I would over sleep every time when I receive Johrei;
- My body became very energetic and flexible, I started enjoying cleaning my house unlike before I use to feel very tired;
- The headaches that I use to feel stopped;
- My ex-husband started calling me and after the vegetable plot he bought me a big horse pipe to water the garden.
Another changes that I would like to share is regarding the profound cleaning in my house
Last year December, missionaries came to my house to do the profound cleaning, my children participated in the cleaning and after the cleaning I received the following purification:
- My son who is using drugs started being verbally abusive and he also promised to hit his younger brother with a brick.
- My elder daughter who is the breadwinner in the house started complaining about almost everything in the house, she told her siblings that she will now stop supporting us and she will also stop buying books for his younger sister. I really broke my heart because she never said anything to me she only talk to her siblings. She is now more distant from us.
I shared all these difficulties with the missionary and the responsible and I was guided to continue with all the basic practice, intensify my dedications and to do my tithe correct and be grateful to God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama for this purification.
Blessings Received after the Profound cleaning:
- Before the cleaning I use to pray alone, I would always come alone to church and I decided to invite my children and they started praying with me every day, that gesture gave so much strength.
- My younger daughter started having interest in the church and she is always coming with me to church and we started dedicating together.
- My other son started keeping his room clean since the profound cleaning. Before he didn’t like to clean his room.
What I have Learnt.
I have learnt that what is good is good of course and seems to be bad it’s also coming from God, all we need to do is to keep the gratitude going and give everything to God.
My Commitment
My commitment is to start doing my tithe and intensify the basic practice. I would like also to start my donation for Ohikari so I can save other people.
To all ministers, full members and members thank you very much for your guidance and support.
Pretoria, 07 January 2018