Mariana Dias Silvestre – Ngola Kiluange JC/Luanda/Angola

My name is Mariana Dias Silvestre. I am 90 years old and  live in the Petrangol neighbourhood, municipality of Cazenga, Luanda.

I am a missionary and with permission from the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama give service as an assistant of the Sun group at the Johrei Center.

I was guided to the Church in the year of 2000 by my son, Marques Domingos Januário – a full member of the Church.

The reasons that brought me to the Church were illness and family conflicts.

The conflicts started when my older sister’s son lost his wife and son in a boat accident. Me and my sister were accused of being witches. This son tried to find out with a sangoma who caused his family’s death. He was told that his mother and aunt were the ones that killed them. My nephew, angry, poisoned his mother. A week later the poison had the effect and she ended up dying.

A few months later, my nephew told me that I had taken the spell of my late sister. This caused a lot of conflicts which separated the family.

Three years later, my nephew and the sangoma ended up dying. My nephew died suddenly and the sangoma got sick and passed away. However, the conflicts remained.

I suffered from body pains. During that period, I looked for hospitals where the doctors didn’t know what I had but one of the doctors told me to receive seven injections and pay thirty US dollars every day.

I took the medication but there were no changes. My body was still painful, I couldn’t sleep, had no appetite and I didn’t have the strength to walk.Hence, I lied down or remain seated the whole time at home. Since I didn’t get better with the medical treatments I decided to go to a sangoma. The sangoma told me that I had a needle and iron inside my body which caused those pains. He squeezed his mouth, spit in a plate and showed me the objects that came out of me. There were no satisfactory results and I spent a large amount of money during a year.

It was in this state of suffering that my son told me about Johrei: “Mom, from today on don’t do any treatment. I will start giving you Johrei every day!”.

He explained to me what was Johrei but I doubted it saying: “If all the injections I took didn’t heal me, is this lifted hand that will?”. However, he insisted and said to his siblings: “I will be taking care of our mother!”. Then he started giving me Johrei in the morning and at night!

After a week receiving Johrei, I was able to sleep well. I had a deep sleep, which amazed me a lot. On the second week, my son took me to the Church. It is important to highlight that I couldn’t walk properly. But he was very patient and walked slowly with me. We arrived at the Church after two hours! I was received by the missionary, who listened carefully to my testimony and guided me to do the following:

  • Receive 10 Johrei per day
  • Keep the flower of light at home
  • Do the Self-examination of faith with a daily donation
  • Pilgrimage to places of greater light
  • Give service cleaning the worship hall and the toilets

I followed the guidance without any difficulties. On the second day, I took less time to get to the Church. On the fourth day, I started feeling well because the pain was gone and went to the church alone! With these miracles, I made the decision to become a full member to better serve in the Divine Work. So, I received the Ohikari in the year of 2000. After I became a full member the family conflicts were solved and today there is harmony in my family.

The testimony of faith  I would like to share with you is related to the strength of the prayer and the Johrei during this lockdown.

During this lockdown, as we are instructed to stay at home, I thought about following the basic practices of faith from my home. I asked my grandson to set an alarm in my phone and started praying every three hours, including at midnight. Besides this, I am giving Johrei to my family members at home.

  1. My seven-year-old-great-granddaughter was purifying. Her parents took her to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with typhoid fever and malaria. She was given medication to fight the disease. She didn’t like to take medicine, but her parents forced her to, and she vomited everything that she ingested. I said to her parents: “I will start giving her Johrei!” Her parents were skeptical about it at first but then they accepted. I started to give her Johrei in the morning, at noon and at night. After three days of Johrei, the fever and the vomits were completely gone. The girl started to happily play and the parents, seeing that, said: “After all, Johrei really works and it is good! ”. I thanked God with a donation for the blessing received.
  2. My twenty-year-old-granddaughter lives with me. For a long time, she refused to receive Johrei. She talked during her sleep as if she was fighting with someone, shouting: “Leave me! Leave me!”. So, I thought: “Since she doesn’t like to receive Johrei, I will start giving her Johrei while she sleeps!”. I did so and, three days later with the practice of Johrei, to my amazement the bad dreams and screams were overcome. When I told her that she wasn’t screaming during her sleep she got very happy. I thanked the Supreme

God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama for the miracle!

With this testimony of faith, I learned that during this worldwide purification we should focus on giving Johrei to our family every day! I also learned that Johrei is really the medicine of the 21st century and Meishu-Sama is the Messiah awaited by humanity!

My commitment is to participate in the formation of the one hundred thousand committed families and to give ten Johrei every day. I have the Kannon scroll and  take care of two homes of members with a total of six people. I have the vegetable garden, I tithe, do the construction donation for the sacred grounds and the daily donation.

I thank God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama for the permission to know this Church!

To the ministers, Center Heads, members, full members, first time visitors and to my son who was used as an instrument to guide me to this faith, my eternal gratitude!

To all who attentively listened to my testimony of faith, my sincere gratitude!


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