My name is Martins Miguel Benjamin. I am 25 years old and a member.

I had the permission to find out about the Messianic church of Angola in 2009 in Cabinda, through two of my cousins who are missionaries of the church.

The reasons that brought me to the church were family conflicts and unemployment. Between the years of 2009 and 2010, I started attending the church in Cabinda, with my two cousins, but I never took it seriously and did not want to become a member.

In 2016, for academic reasons and looking for a job, I came to Luanda and stopped attending the church. In Luanda I had  many problems and purified a lot. I lived in four different neighbourhoods, going from house to house with the support of friends and family. I lived this way until in 2019 I got some money through small jobs and started renting a small apartment where I live to this day.

Seeing my suffering and being my neighbour, my cousin would try everything to get me to attend the church but I always said no.

One day a minister visited her home, as she is a Center head. After giving Johrei to the whole family, he asked if there was still anyone that needed to receive Johrei and she replied: “there is still my stubborn brother, who does not accept Meishu-Sama! ” So, she invited me to talk to the minister. I felt safe and opened my heart, explaining all the pain and suffering that my sister and I were going through.

As we have this pandemic and the churches are closed, I was guided to receive Johrei at my cousin’s house, pray in her altar, read the teachings and to keep the flower of light at home.

I followed the guidance rigorously and, a week later, I noticed improvements in my business, which was inactive. So, the first thing I did was to express my gratitude by materialising the tithe, the construction donation and the daily donation. I also went to the Johrei Center to give service in the construction.

Two weeks after giving service, a company called me asking for my documents, and I started working with a good salary. Happy and thankful for the miracle, I work tirelessly to tell my family, friends and neighbours that Meishu-Sama  is the Messiah!

I have a neighbour that had malaria for more than a month and could not leave the house as she was weak. I took her to the Center Head’s house where she received an hour of Johrei. She was completely healed the next day. This testimony increased my trust in Meishu-Sama  even more.

My sisters, who are in the province of Cabinda, started attending the church again.

I have an aunt who was purifying with strong fevers and headaches for more than a week. When she received Johrei, her headache stopped and she thanked, recognizing the power of the light of Johrei. Most of my family, including myself, would get very angry by seeing our cousins leave their jobs. Now, we perfectly understand the big difference it makes!

Today I am a better person, more tolerant and patient. Besides everything, what I thought was a simple picture placed at my cousin’s house was a source of light that would connect me with God!

My goal is to show people that are purifying this wonderful path of salvation and to become a full member, giving service in the salvation of others!

I guided two cousins who are receiving Johrei!

I thank God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and my ancestors for knowing this wonderful path of salvation!

Thank you very much!

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