My name is Eugénia António Naife, I am 51 years old, a full member of the church and give service as an Assistant of the Moon group.

I was guided to the World Messianic Church of Mozambique in June of 2007, through my sister Graça António Naife, who is also a full member of the church.

The reasons that led me to know the church were: illness, marital and family conflicts.

When I arrived at the church, I was instructed to do the basic practices of the messianic faith and my problems were solved with the continuous practice of the guidance’s I received.

The experience of faith I will share with you is related to the practice of gratitude and the march of prayer.

For some time now, peace and harmony have not reigned in my home, which worsened with the Covid-19 pandemic, as we could no longer carry out our usual march and visit of the homes of our followers. This is why, every day, I felt sad and unhappy. I had a dream with two women opening the curtains of my room and I asked why they were opening it. I also asked them to close them. One of them refused and the other ended up closing and thanking me. I woke up feeling my body was very heavy and went to the church to thank for it and received Johrei from sister Joana. Afterwards I felt better and she instructed me to always pray with my daughter. It should be noted that even with Covid-19 I never stopped participating in the prayers of the church, but the purifications intensified, and my husband told me to stop going to the church. However, I replied that the church strengthens me, I have been in it for over ten years and will never leave it.

One day I got up very early and woke up my daughters to pray with me, because after that I needed to go shopping for my establishment. I left and when returned home, in my room, the picture of Kannon was on the floor and with the glass broken. I got sad and confused because there was no logical explanation for the incident. After removing the scraps, I decided to pray to thank for that happening. That same afternoon I talked about the purification with the center head and together we prayed thanking for it.

After the deep reflection with the Minister, I was instructed to continue to dedicate and improve the practice of gratitude and prayer. I put it into practice immediately and the sadness I felt was gradually overcame, thanks to God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama!

A few days after the practice of praying started, my daughter, who did not like to be part of the march, claiming it was too early, she was sleepy and only participated due to a lot of insistence, at the time of praying in my room, she incorporated a spirit screaming my name. It seemed like a cry for help from my husband. We prayed together and gave Johrei. I offered the flower and the spirit liked it.  She got normal after an hour. We thanked and went out to give service sweeping the street and the neighbors were amazed with our activity!

With the visit of the person in charge, we had a class of the flower of light, the dedication of the picture of Kannon, prayed and also did a March of Johrei.

To thank for all these blessings, I made a commitment to take care of more people and help them to awake to fulfill their mission!

I learned that God was never going to give me a purification that I couldn’t deal with!

I have already registered, guided more than 40 people, of whom 5 of them became full members and I have the home vegetable garden.

I thank the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and my Ancestors for allowing me to become useful for the salvation of humanity.

To the ministers, missionaries, members and followers, my sincere thanks!

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