Neise Constantino – Largo do Colégio Angolano JC – Benguela-Angola

My name is Neise Pedro Raul Constantino, I am a nurse and I am a full member of the church.

 The testimony of faith that I would like to share with you is related to the donation of special gratitude.

In September of this year, a patient in critical condition was admitted to the hospital where I work. I took his vital signs and then we were told to be very careful as he was suspected of having COVID-19 and needed to be tested. The whole team and I panicked because at the time we were not wearing full bio-safety equipment and we distanced ourselves from the patient.

The patient became very despondent and started screaming for us. I was very moved by this and I silently prayed, saying: “GOD, I cannot just standby and do nothing; in this life we are just passing through, so may Thy will prevail”. I gathered great strength from this prayer, I approached the patient and I soothed him and fed him and he calmed down. In the meantime, a colleague in bio-safety equipment arrived and took a blood sample for lab testing. Later that day the patient passed away.

The next day, the test results came back positive and we all panicked again. A meeting was held with the medical team to choose if we would quarantine at the hospital or at home. I opted to quarantine at home as my children were staying with their grandparents. I should also mention that I had already spoken to my husband, requesting that he stay somewhere else so that I could stay alone. He did not accept this and replied “we vowed to stay together in happiness and in sadness, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, so we have nothing to fear”.

While returning home, I called the Minister to inform him of the situation and he guided us to pray, to read the teachings of Meishu-Sama and to exchange Johrei. I explained to him that due to the purification that the church was going through, my husband had decided to stop using his Ohikari. Thanks to GOD, after speaking to the Minister and receiving this guidance, when we arrived at home, my husband started using his Ohikari again.

 This purification also made me reflect upon my religious behaviour and I realised that I was not taking care of my ancestors, that I was not doing my donations correctly and that I was no longer going to church and I was simply praying at home.

A few days later while cleaning my room at home, I kept thinking about all the purifications that I had gone through in the past and how in all of them I had always received GOD’s protection. When I completed the cleaning, I started coughing and feeling shortness of breath. My husband started do administer Johrei and at that moment my ancestors embodied. According to my husband, they asked the SUPREME GOD and the Messiah Meishu-Sama that I be given one more opportunity to fulfill my mission. The ancestors also guided us to do a donation of special gratitude and we did so with all the money that we had at home

Afterward we called the Minister and we prayed together, directing all those ancestors who were manifesting themselves. When we finished, the symptoms had eased.

Three days later, the symptoms came back more intensely and I called the COVID-19 commitee. While I waited for their reply, I received a call from my place of work asking me to go there because they had a medical team and a special room where I could be looked after.

On arriving at the hospital, I was warmly received. I felt that they were taking care of me in the same way that I had cared for that patient. I felt the return of much love and attention. I was given oxygen and I underwent the COVID-19 test. I returned home and stayed in constant touch with the Minister, who guided me to pray every 3 hours, thinking of all the people that are suffering with this pandemic.

After 2 days, the hospital called to say that the result of the COVID-19 tests done on all the staff that were working on that day, from the security officer to the cleaning staff, had all come back negative. This made me very happy.

 From the beginning of this pandemic, I have noticed everywhere a reduction in brotherly love. At the same time, I also feel that this is an opportunity for us to re-connect with the SUPREME GOD and to place our trust in Him. I understand also that the sickness that is affecting the world at this time, has a spiritual origin and that if we are in consonance with the Laws of Nature, we will not be affected by it.

Thanks to this experience, my feeling of gratitude has returned and I have begun to do my donations correctly.

My commitment is to devote myself to saving others and to serving GOD, forever.

Agradeço ao supremo Deus, ao Messias Meishu-sama, aos Antepassados, a minha família e principalmente ao paciente que me despertou para o cumprimento da minha missão, muito obrigada! I thank the SUPREME GOD, the Messiah Meishu-Sama, my ancestors, my family and particularly that patient who re-awakened me to my mission, thank you.

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