Filomena Sokoloke – NS Miramar – Benguela – Angola

My name is Filomena da Cruz Aleluia Sokoloke, I am a full member and dedicate as Head of the Moon Group.

The testimony of Faith that I will report is related to the importance of going to the Sacred Ground of Cacuaco and reading the teaching of Meishu-Sama.

After becoming a full member, I often read the teachings of Meishu-Sama and felt I was getting further from God. I have been living with my partner for 20 years and we were not getting along anymore. I felt like he was not worried about our family needs.

I was losing the love I felt for him, getting to the point that I wanted to separate. Although we lived under the same rofe, I treated him like a friend and was waiting for the best moment to live.

When I decided to read the teachings of Meishu-Sama even more, I found a teaching about the importance of going to Sacred Grounds. So I decided to visit the Headquarters of the Church with the sonen to change myself from within. Thus I was able to visit the Sacred Ground of Cacuaco.

I was so happy to be there because this time I saw it differently.

When I came back, I still wanted to separate. I talked with a missionary, who listened carefully and guided me to write a list with all the qualities I saw in my partner, making me realize that the cause of our problem was inside me. We prayed together, handing everything to God and Meishu-Sama.

As I was dedicating even more I noticed some changes in him. In all our time together, he never complimented me. After I understood that the cause of my problem was inside me, things began to change.

One day he came back from work and looked at me as if he was falling in love again, saying I was beautiful. I was surprised and materialized a donation of gratitude.

After that my partner asked for forgiveness because he did not ask my hand in marriage in all these years and we got engaged. Now we are a happy family and I am in love with my husband once again.

I learned with this testimony of Faith that Meishu-Sama is the Messiah awaited by humanity and that visiting the sacred grounds help us deal with our problems in a better way. And that we must be the change we desire in others!

I am committed to do my maximum effort to guide as many people as possible to the church and to participate in the great construction!

I thank the Supreme God, Messiah Meishu-Sama and my ancestors for guiding me to this path of salvation.


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