Greetings, Morning Service – 05/07/2021

Greetings – Morning Service – 05/07/2021

Headquarters of the World Messianic Church of Africa

Reverend Claudio Cristiano Leal Pinheiro

Good morning everyone!

Are you well?

Did you like the testimony of faith from our brother Valson, from São Tome and Principe? One more round of applause for him, please.

Thank you very much! He shared it yesterday at our Headquarters in Sao Tome and Principe.

Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for our monthly service that we held last Saturday and Sunday here at our African Headquarters. We received a lot of strength.

Thank you all!

And the testimony we heard today from our brother Valson, is an example for us of the teaching of the month, that we don’t let suffering control our hearts. He had his life saved with his family, when he was guided to the Church.  Later, gave service to God through dedication, became a full member and left. When he made the decision to return and re-bless the Ohikari, had that accident, had his life saved again. So, in his testimony, we see that obstacles arose in his life, but he overcame them all with gratitude and dedication. He said when God wants to use us, He does not pass his hand on our head. He needs to clean the clouds of our spirit, polish our soul so that we can be used by Him. What often happens is that when we face a difficulty, when the problem arises, we forget about everything that God and Meishu-Sama have done for us and many times we stop dedicating, we stop the practice of Johrei and worry about practicing what Meishu-Sama says and each time things get worse and we start to blame someone for our problems and we go down a path of no return many times.

So, this testimony is good for us to see that continuity, the practice of Johrei and give service is what changes our fate and the fate of our family, of our descendants, of our ancestors. In the midst of all the difficulties that are arising on our planet with this increase of the fire element, with the increase of purifications, it is important for us to study testimonies like the one we heard today to reflect and every time a problem arises, to seek Meishu-Sama how he did.” I want to dedicate, but I don’t have money to go, please give me permission, Meishu-Sama!”. Then, he got it, someone offered him a ticket, he had another form of support. Always asking permission, asking “Meishu-Sama, please use me to do Your work!”. That pure feeling of asking Meishu-Sama to be used by Him, having this knowledge that I’m not doing it, it’s allowed to be used by God and Meishu-Sama to do it. When we cultivate this attitude, we naturally connect more and more with the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama and we will be able to overcome obstacles, but as we have heard in the testimony, it needs our effort, a lot of sincerity and our continuity in basic practices, especially the practice of Johrei which is what will qualify us more and more to overcome this very difficult phase that our planet is experiencing today.

I also want to reconfirm with you our practice of praying every 3 hours from the Johrei Centers. Let’s pray for the people we know are struggling, for our planet at this very difficult time. I was seeing it happened in Canada, which is an extremely cold country, but now in the summer it went to the other extreme reaching 49 degrees, in that hundreds of people began to die from the heat. Suddenly, people died from the increase in temperature. In Iraq, there were places that reached 52 degrees of temperature, and in this we are seeing, there are other places that are in extreme cold, such as Brazil, from the cold wave. Until today, it was not cold for the Northeast where I came from. People have low temperatures now. All this is happening on the planet. When praying, let’s pray, asking God for strength for all of humanity in this difficult time, pray for the people we know who are facing problems and difficulties. Ask Meishu-Sama to help these people, to give them strength to overcome these difficult times, to be able to understand the Divine will behind whatever happened, and that is happening in their lives! Let’s pray for the happiness of others and of the world!

About the task we received, of each Johrei Center to have a community garden, yesterday I already received a communication from a Johrei Center that just yesterday, it was offered a place for the Center make the vegetable garden, to serve the neighborhood where it is located! So, Meishu-Sama is showing that we are on the right path. What we need is, as I said at the beginning, our effort and continuity in the practices that Meishu-Sama gave to us!

Thank you very much. I wish a happy week to all of you together with your families!

Thank you very much!

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