Greetings – 08/07/2021

"It is very important that we use the difficulties for this reflection for each of us to deepen our service. I say this because we get stuck sometimes with the belief that dedication is only when I go to the church..."

Greetings, 08/07/2021

Headquarters of the World Messianic Church of Africa

Reverend Claudio Cristiano Leal Pinheiro

Good morning everyone!

Are you fine?

Welcome to our African Headquarters. Another round of applause for our sister Rosita. Thank you so much for your testimony of faith. Congratulations for you, for your Center head and everyone who is giving service with you.

It was a very beautiful experience, very remarkable and confirms the teaching we heard today which Meishu-Sama says that Religion is miracle.

Through the Miracles we awaken that God exists; there is the spiritual world, but we cannot just want to receive miracles. I think that the greatest miracle is the awakening of our soul; the greatest miracle is that we awaken to the existence of God! And what is the awakening to the existence of God? That’s when we manage to keep gratitude in our hearts even in the midst of difficulties. Our sister’s experience is a very rich material for us to study. She talked about her problem with the Centerhead.

He guided her to make a donation to thank for the purification. After they prayed, she was robbed, right on the same day and recognized: “I didn’t pray from the bottom of my heart. I didn’t make the donation with a feeling of gratitude. I did it for the sake of it, in the form, I wasn’t thankful for the purification!”.

What does it mean not to be grateful for the purification? It means that I’m not acknowledging that situation is happening for some reason, for my spiritual growth. So, I only thank you when something happens that I think is good. But, you need to thank for the blessings and also when something negative happens, even when a problem arises. The problem she was experiencing was not a simple one. It was a serious problem and involved her not having contact with her children. Imagine what this is for a mother! But, through that situation she could deepen her mission as a member, which is to save people! When she returned to the Centerhead she said: ” Now, you go to the Altar alone and talk to Meishu-Sama! You need to take care of people who have the same problem as yours!”. Isn’t that what she was told? Then, when she made that decision, people started to appear with the same problem as hers, which she heartily asked Meishu-Sama for. So, she began to deepen into the suffering of these people, channeling Johrei, teaching them to thank, cleaning their homes, making the flower workshop at their homes. These people began to come out of their sufferings and through this, our sister Rosita was able to clean the spiritual clouds that made her suffer with that problem in her life.

It is very important that we use the difficulties for this reflection for each of us to deepen our service. I say this because we get stuck sometimes with the belief that dedication is only when I go to the church. I’m at the church, I’m dedicating, I’m being useful. But there is something more that each one needs to do, in her case it was very clear that it was the guidance of people. So, each one of us that are experiencing a serious problem in our life needs to reflect: “I’m already a member. I already had my life saved by Meishu-Sama. So, I will thank for the purification and at the same time, I need to reflect about it!”.

“Meishu-Sama, what do you want from me?”. In the midst of this difficult situation, I’m living in my life, it can be a health problem, a financial problem, or a conflict problem. How many people with this problem I’m assisting? I’m praying for? I also need to help them to become useful into building Paradise on earth.

This path of each one of us guiding one more person, helping other people to become useful to God. The best way for me to be useful to God, is to be concerned about guiding people to become useful to God! People that God can use to be able to carry out his plan to build Paradise on earth. If not, we will also continue to practice a faith that only wants to receive blessings. We will receive blessings as Meishu-Sama said in the teaching, and we see in the testimonies of faith. However, more than worrying about the problem we are facing, we need to worry about why I want to receive this miracle? Who I am becoming through the problem I am experiencing today? I’m becoming a better person, who is seeking more for God, or am I just seeking for God because I have a problem and when I solve the problem, I will forget about God and go back to being selfish and materialistic?

That’s why our study of the teachings and of the testimonies of faith is so important.  This way we can practice a faith that really aims to participate in the Construction of Paradise on Earth, to participate in the salvation of humanity.

Our sister’s experience shows us there are many people suffering from the same problem, much worse than ours. But these people still don’t have Meishu-Sama! Or, even being Messianic, they know the path, but they are not treading on the path of Meishu-Sama because aren’t practicing what Meishu-Sama says. So, we also need to help them to awake, lead them to a faith that connects with the Supreme God and Messiah Meishu-Sama!

Thank you very much!

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