“Humanity is standing at the crossroads in the great transitional period between the old era of semidarkness and the new era of Light. Especially for this moment, we believe, God sent our beloved Meishu-Sama, Mokichi Okada, founder of the Johrei Movement. Our spiritual organization, Sekai Kyusei Kyo [World Messianic Church], is based upon revelations given to him concerning the coming Daylight Age. Our purpose is to bring about the realization of Paradise on Earth. The Direct Light of God is being released, which was kept in abeyance through the long Age of Night. The Light will transform our world into the Daylight Age and will awaken humanity to spiritual awareness so it may attain this goal. Spiritual awareness is the key to the New Civilization, and spiritual evolution is accelerating now, hand in hand with true scientific progress.
God intends to save humanity from self-destruction and bring about a new and constructive civilization by working through the individuals comprising it. Each one, therefore, must do his or her part toward the realization of this plan for life more abundant.
The transmitting is called Johrei, which is a Japanese word (coined by Meishu-Sama) meaning the purifying of the spiritual body by the Divine Light of God. It is prayer in action. Johrei disperses the clouds on the spiritual body. As it is purified, it becomes more radiant; and mental and physical wellbeing is re-established in accordance with the Divine Pattern.”
Reverend Kyoko Higuchi
1967, Los Angeles