Cléria Marques do Espírito Santos – JC São Miguel – Luanda/Angola_ENG

My name is Cléria Marques do Espírito Santos. I am a full member and give service as the person in charge of the Earth group and of Sanguetsu at the Johrei Center. I was guided to the World Messianic Church in 2003 by my father-in-law, Eliseu Soares – a full member. The reasons that brought me to the church were my daughter’s diseases and marital conflicts.

For many years my daughter was constantly ill with strong fevers and headaches. I also had many conflicts at home with my husband due to my daughter’s condition. To solve these problems, I went to many hospitals, clinics and to three sangoma houses where I spent large amounts of money with no  results.

It was in this state of suffering that my father-in-law, seeing his granddaughter’s situation, guided me to the church. At the Johrei Center I was received by the missionary who, after listening to me attentively, guided me the following:

  • Receive 10 Johrei per day

  • Give service cleaning the toilets and the worship hall

  • Participate in the morning and evening prayers

  • Pilgrimage to places of greater light

I followed the guidances without difficulties and after 15 days of giving service, everything was solved. As a way of expressing my gratitude, I made a special donation of gratitude and later became a full member to better serve in the Divine Work.

The testimony of faith that I now share with you is related to the basic practices of faith, Johrei and the special donation during this lockdown.

On the 7th of this month, after I left the church, I went to visit a member that I am taking care of. When I arrived at her house, I found her purifying with strong pains all over her body. Therefore, I asked for permission from the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama, guiding all the ancestors that were manifesting through that purification. Secondly, we prayed and I channelled Johrei for 3 hours. The situation worsened and I had a feeling that we should do a special donation to thank for the purification. I took all the money that I had, which was meant to buy dinner. She took all the money she had at home and we materialised the donation. The pains worsened in that same moment. She felt weak, vomited, had diarrhoea and felt cold. In that moment she asked me to take her to the hospital of Cacuaco. When we got at the hospital, we were received by nurses and, after they examined her, they decided that they would give her a saline solution. However, they couldn’t find her veins. The doctors were very worried. One of them noticed me and said: “Messianic, come closer to give her Johrei!” I replied that I was already doing so. As if it were not enough, in that same room, 3 men came in with a lady that fainted and put her in the bed. I was frightened to see her critical conditions. The feeling of detaching from my member started to well up inside me and I started giving Johrei to the lady.

The doctors that were taking care of the member found her veins and applied the saline solution. After half an hour she got better. The family of the lady that fainted was very worried as they didn’t see changes. Therefore, I asked her husband what the lady had. He told me that, when he left home, she was fine but later the neighbours called him saying that she had an attack at 6 o’clock . Then she was taken to the Health Centre of Sequele and stayed there for 9 hours. Since she didn’t react, she was transferred to this hospital. Therefore, I asked her husband if I could pray for her and, since the situation was critical, he said yes. Without thinking twice, I made a prayer guiding all the ancestors that were trapped in that situation. After finishing the prayer, I continued giving her Johrei and said to myself: “Messiah Meishu-Sama my member is better but, how will this lady be?”. One of her family members asked what I was actually doing with my hand lifted. The husband answered: “This lady is praying! ”. Then, everyone else left and I stayed in the room. After 5 hours the doctor came and said: “You are a real Messianic!”. I was surprised when I heard those words, thanked God from the bottom of my heart and smiled.

As a way of expressing my gratitude, I carried on giving her Johrei and 30 minutes later, the lady woke up and asked where she was. I asked her to stay calm, that she was in the hospital and  her family was outside. I asked what she was feeling and if she wanted something to drink or eat. She replied that she only wanted to go to the toilet . Her husband came into the room and she started crying. He went with her to the toilet .

The doctors and her family that accompanied the situation were amazed with the blessing received as she hadn’t received medical treatment neither was she examined. When they came back from the toilet, the lady and her husband thanked for the prayer that I did. I gave them the church’s address and  explained about the 3 pillars of salvation and the mission of the Messiah Meishu-Sama on Earth! The next day we were all discharged from the hospital.

With this miracle, I learned that Meishu-Sama is the Messiah awaited by humanity and that Johrei is the medicine for the 21st century. I also learned that we shouldn’t be attached to our problems and happiness is like water in a container, when we pull it goes away and when we push it comes back.

With permission from the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and my ancestors I already guided 250 people to the church, of which 25 are full members. I tithe, do the daily donation and the construction donation. I have the vegetable garden and I am registered. I take care of four full members’ houses and six houses with members.

My commitment is to take the rope of salvation to other people that are suffering.

I thank the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and my ancestors for the permission to know this wonderful path of salvation.

To the ministers, Center Head, missionaries, members and full members that heard my testimony my sincere thanks.


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