My name is Ricardino dos Santos Quaresma. I am a member and give service in the Moon group at the above-mentioned Johrei Center.
I was guided to the World Messianic Church of Angola in September of 2017 through brother Didi.
The reasons that brought me to the church were my wife’s disease and financial difficulties.
It all started when my wife went to have a baby. At the hospital, a nurse gave us a prescription to buy medicine .
Since we didn’t have money, we did not buy it. Time went by and we were unable to follow the prescription because my job was not paying me for 3 months. I asked for help from people that I know but was unsuccessful. Then, I made the decision to take a loan from my boss in order to solve the situation. Even with a lot of effort he didn’t accept to grant me the loan, which increased my worries.
Therefore, since we didn’t buy the medicine in time, her illness worsened to the point that she was in a critical condition. The only solution was to sell all our household appliances to buy the medication. Then, she recovered completely.
After my wife’s recovery, together with 18 other co-workers, we decided to strike so the company’s boss could pay the money he owed us.
However, he only paid half of the money that was due, which helped me buy new household appliances.
Due to that situation I looked for part-time jobs to sustain my family but was unsuccessful. To worsen the situation, one day, my wife went to visit a friend that lived close to us and who was very sick. When she got there another friend came who, suddenly, started to feel very ill and no one knew why this was the case. During their conversation, my wife fell asleep and had a spiritual possession. She started screaming and the other neighbour that was lying down heard the whole message and later explained to her what happened. Then, she bought flour, eggs, palm oil and cigarettes to rub in the body of the owner of the house, as she was sick. Later, the lady recovered and travelled to her home province just as the spirit that possessed my wife had instructed her. After this happened, my wife got sick again, because she treated the lady as the spirit instructed her.
As time went by, the lady’s disease passed to my wife as well and she started dreaming with the lady who, by that time, had passed away. She appeared in the dream as if she was alive.
This situation led me to a deadlock since I couldn’t go to anyone to ask for help. Without the money and job to pay rent, take my wife to the hospital and to sustain my family, despair took over me. I sold all the household appliances and the house got empty.
Because we didn’t pay the rent, we were kicked out of the house and started living aimlessly. Me, my wife and my two kids had nothing to eat. We spent the whole day and night without eating, only drinking water. One day, my wife had a dream with her maternal grandmother – who is already in the spiritual world – and said the following: “Your family is suffering a lot today. To find a solution, you need to go to the church with the flowers! ” The dream repeated several times. So, we decided to look for the church and someone to give us something to eat.
We were walking through the Boavista Sonil neighbourhood when we met Brother Didi, who took us to the church.
At the Johrei Center we were received by a missionary who, after listening to us carefully, guided us the following:
Receive 10 Johrei per day
Give service cleaning the toilets and the worship hall
Participate in morning and evening services
Pilgrimage to the places of greatest light.
We followed the guidance without difficulty. After two months, we started to have significant changes in our life that I now share with you:
1) With the intense channelling of Johrei, my wife recovered completely.
2) I did not have a job but found one with a better salary, which allowed us to rent a house to live and pay for food.
3) From that date on we started to have spiritual peace, something that didn’t happen before.
Despite all the miracles that the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama provided us, due to my ingratitude, we didn’t express our gratitude with a donation and I gave up on the church for a certain period.
The testimony of faith that I now share with you is related to the basic practices of faith and ingratitude to the Supreme God.
After receiving these blessings from the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama in my life and in the life of my family, I gave up on the church as I did not understand the law of purification.
So, I started to criticize the church thinking that it was a fantasy and that a fake God was being worshiped, since we prayed for a photo that, to me, had no meaning and was like a diabolical incoherence.
Later, I started to experience several problems within my family. My second son started to get sick very often, my wife complained of pains all over her body, my legs became swollen and, to my great sadness, my son passed away.
So, after two months, I was fired. Before that, I spent three months without receiving a salary. After this, I went to talk with the Center Head , where I had the opportunity to reflect deeply, explaining, point by point, the situation I was going through.
However, I was guided to return to the starting point of my faith and remember the first blessings I had received from the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama. She also told me to do a donation to ask my ancestors for forgiveness, distribute flowers, guide people at the church’s door, give service cleaning the toilets, be part of the Moon group and give religious assistance at the houses.
As I was suffering and wanted to get out of that suffering, I started to follow the guidance. The results came fast:
1) With strength and determination in receiving Johrei and in the daily dedication of cleaning the toilets, the pains my wife had and my swollen legs recovered completely. From that day we started having spiritual peace again.
2) With the dedications made through the cleaning, flower distribution, guiding people at the church door and giving religious assistance at the homes, I was called to the company where I worked and they paid the money they owed me plus a salary increase. This way, I had the opportunity to rent a new house, buy a freezer, stove and other household appliances to help the family in sustaining the house.
3) We previously had difficulties to find a place to sleep and something to eat, but managed to overcome these difficulties. Today my wife sells and does her small business in front of our house’s door.
4) Suffering is no longer part of our lives and serves as an example that helps to guide other people.
With all these blessings that God and Meishu-Sama provided us through our ancestors, we materialized a special donation of gratitude on behalf of the family and the donation to thank for the first blessing received. My wife and I are candidates to receive the Ohikari.
From this testimony of faith, I learned that God is in charge of everything! As long as we are following His will, all our difficulties will be surmounted.
I also learned that Meishu-Sama is the Messiah awaited by humanity and Johrei is the medicine of the 21st century!
My commitment is to participate in the construction of the Sacred Grounds and the Messianic Temple of Africa, along with my ancestors and other people as well.
I commit myself to participate in the formation of the hundred thousand committed families until the conclusion of the Sacred Grounds of Africa and be the number one in contributing to the happiness of others.
With the permission of the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and my ancestors I make all donations correctly, I have the natural vegetable garden, already guided a great number of people to the church and take care of three members.
I thank the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and my ancestors for the permission to know this wonderful path of Salvation.
To the ministers, center heads, members and full members who have directly or indirectly contributed to my spiritual growth, thank you!
My sincere gratitude!