My name is Samba Tunguno Capitango. I am 31 years old and live in the Paiola neighborhood, municipality of Quibala, province of Kwanza-Sul. I am a full member of the church and give service as an assistant of the earth group at the Johrei Center.
The reasons that brought me to the World Messianic Church of Angola were: night husbands, nightmares and chest pains.
I went to many healers, prophets and hospitals. The healer told me that I had a demon in my body and I would have to buy beer, cool drinks, sugar and cigarettes. When the treatment was done, he assured me that everything was overcome. Months later, the problems came back. I became desperate and in a deadlock, as I had already spent so much money. This suffering lasted for 15 years!
It was in this sad and unfortunate state of suffering that sister Maria Morais Calhanda met me at the municipal market. After I agreed to talk about my sufferings, she told me to attend the World Messianic Church.
At the church, I was received by a missionary who, after listening to me very carefully, guided me to do the basic practices of faith.
I started practicing the guidances: receive Johrei, give service at the church’s farm, distribute flowers of light and give service cleaning the worship hall and toilets. Then, I started to notice significant improvements.
After I got pregnant, I went to the hospital to have an ultrasound. The doctor explained that the baby was very sick and the delivery would be risky. There was a high probability of saving only one life: mine or my baby’s! I left the hospital very sad, went to the church and told this situation to the center head. He guided me to make a special donation and participate in the dedications. I followed the guidance and materialized a donation. Some months later, I had a successful, risk-free delivery. Nevertheless, the baby was born with the umbilical cord wrapped three times around her body. As time went by, the baby got Asthma. I looked for a doctor who gave me a prescription, which my daughter started to take. Still, she wouldn’t get better. I got annoyed and, filled with doubts, I decided to leave the church. I looked for a prophet and he said that it was my friend who cursed my daughter.
He told me to wake up at 4 in the morning and to keep my daughter in the garden for 2 hours to catch the cold so she would be healed. He said I should do that for 2 weeks. One week later, my daughter started showing signs of malnutrition. One day, I received a call from the center head asking me about my daughter’s health. I explained that she was the same and he, in turn, guided me to go to the church. When I arrived at the Johrei Center, he guided me to pilgrimage to the places of greatest light. I followed the guidance and, on my return from the headquarters of the World Messianic Church of Angola, I had a dream where someone came and said to me: “It is me, your maternal great-grandmother and I am manifesting myself through your daughter’s disease. I need you to make my sorei-saishi! ” After I made the Sorei-Saishi, my daughter got better and her weight went back to normal.
In 2019, I purified with strong financial difficulties. I had almost nothing to feed my children! I was guided to open the net of salvation of Paiola. I started opening the net of salvation at 6 AM after having made a commitment to do so. Putting in practice the guidance, I started guiding people to the church; a total of 150 people. I also distributed 500 flowers of light! I experienced the following change:
I got some money, with which I bought stock and went to the market to sell. As soon as I arrived, the people at the market came to me and said: “The stock you bought has little competition and I don’t think it will be profitable! ” But, thank God and the Messiah Meishu Sama, after only 2 hours of selling, all the stock was sold and it was very profitable! The financial problem that haunted me was gone. I didn’t have enough food to feed my family but today, I and my family are well!
To thank for the changes in my life, I materialized a special donation.
With permission from the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu Sama and my ancestors, I have guided 153 people to the church, including my father. My whole family is attending the church!
I thank the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu-Sama and my ancestors for the permission that they granted me to know this wonderful path of salvation!
To the ministers, center heads, members, full members and all those that listened to my testimony of faith, my sincere gratitude!