Joaquina Nbalabamba – Canata JC – Benguela/Angola_ENG

My name is Joaquina Chilombo Tchinanga Nbalabamba. I am a full member and give service as an assistant of the net of salvation of Lobito Velho.

The testimony of faith that I would like to share with you is related to the importance of going to the church’s farm and the practice of the daily donation of gratitude.

After following the guidance of doing the daily donation, I gained the permission to receive the guidance to dedicate at the church’s farm in Culango in the anniversary of my mother’s passing. I had to take my family members who lived with me.

At the time, I had no money and, two days before the dedication, I told the center head  we were not going. He encouraged me saying that my sonen would determine if we would go.

I went to the altar an placed all my worries in the hands of God. The results came soon: my boss gave me money a day before the trip.

In the farm, while dedicating in the soil, I eliminated a lot of impurities. After this dedication, I did not have typhoid fever or chest pains again.

I went home, happy and grateful for the permission to take my family to a place of great light. A couple of days later, we did the special prayer in memory of my mother. When I intensified the dedications, I got the permission to be transferred to a place where I only work for two days a week. This allows me more time to give service. So, I materialized the donation to receive the Ohikari and, thanks to God, in November last year I became a full member together with a member that I took care of.

As a way of expressing my gratitude, I make an effort to focus on the happiness of other people in the net of salvation. In the net of salvation, we take care of seven houses of full members and twenty-one houses of members. We got the permission to pilgrimage to the Headquarters of Africa in January of this year.

I had the permission to take care of a member who developed an infection that disfigured her face for eight months. She looked for medical and traditional solutions but didn’t find an answer. To worsen the problem, she had to cover her face with a cloth in order to go outside. This situation made her lose the will to live. She spent her time at home and her boyfriend abandoned her. We started giving her religious assistance, channelling Johrei, praying and reading the teachings of Meishu Sama at her house.

One week later, the wounds started to get better and her face healed. She started attending the church, her self-esteem improved and she even got a job at an ice-cream shop. As a way of expressing her gratitude, she materialized a donation and guided her uncle to the church.

With these testimonies of faith, I learned that when we link our Sonen to the Supreme God, everything runs smoothly!

My commitment is to continue to give my best in the Divine work and to guide the biggest possible number of people!

I thank the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu Sama and my ancestors for the permission to have found this wonderful path of salvation!

To all those who shared my testimony of faith, thank you!


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