Marta Lúcia Cumbane – Maxaquene JC/Moçambique_ENG

Testimony of Faith of the Day | Agosto 24, 2020 | My name is Marta Lúcia Cumbane, I am a full member of the church and give service at the Johrei Center ...

My name is Marta Lúcia Cumbane, I am a full member of the church and give service at the Johrei Center of Maxaquene  in charge of the Sanguetsu.

I was guided to the World Messianic Church of Mozambique in 2013 by a workmate. The reason that brought me to the church was sickness. After obediently following the guidance received, I was freed from diseases and my life was transformed. Hence, I put more effort in my dedications, became a full member and today I am in charge of the Sanguetsu.

This year, with the Covid-19 news in Mozambique, all of us panicked and didn’t know how we would give service . When the first state of emergency was declared we stayed at home but, inside of me, I knew that God placed us in that situation to see how each one of us would keep his connection with Him.

Therefore, I started praying with my children every day at 6am and, to my surprise, they started accepting Johrei, something that didn’t happen before. Today they are the ones that ask to receive Johrei. On the other hand, I didn’t do the daily donation and donation of gratitude correctly. After starting the prayers at home, I also made an effort to materialise the daily donation, something that helped to change my sons’ behaviour.

One day one of my sons came to talk to me, saying that he wanted to make the lobola of his girlfriend and that he didn’t want to bring her without making the ceremony. So, we met the girl’s parents and manifested our desire to realize the lobola and suggested that we make it happen on August. Since they had other plans for that time they asked if we could make everything sooner. We agreed and, despite the work, thank God, everything went well.

I also had the permission to make a flower workshop at the houses of my older sons and at the house of members that I am taking care of. One of them had a swollen belly but, thanks to Johrei, immediately after the flower workshop at her house, she had a diarrhoea that lasted the whole night. After that, her stomach started to get better. She used to have conflicts with her kids but today their relationship is harmonious.

With this testimony of faith, I learned that God is in command of everything, which is why we should obediently follow the guidance received!

To thank God for these changes, I made a special donation of gratitude!

I am registered and have guided more than 100 people of which 4 became full members. I distribute more than 100 flowers of light a month. I take care of 2 houses of members and have a home vegetable garden where I planted kale, lettuce, tomato and onion. These products are really helping me during this quarantine. I also share some of these products to the people who come to visit me!

I thank the Supreme God, the Messiah Meishu Sama and my ancestors for the strength and permission to serve in the divine work!

To the ministers, missionaries, members and full members thank you for the attention!

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