Inocêncio Keita Francisco – Boavista JC/Bié/Angola_ENG

My name is Inocêncio Keita Francisco and give service as the Center Head .

The testimony of faith  I would like to share with you is concerning giving religious assistance and guiding people based on the teachings of the Messiah Meishu-Sama.

When I was in my missionary training in Japan, the person in charge of my group always guided us about the importance of reading and practicing the teachings. He said that the teachings were above everything in our church and concerning anything he tried to guide us based on the teachings, always mentioned Them in his daily subjects/speeches. Then he always showed that we needed to adopt and to bring the teachings to our life.

During that period, what moved me the most was when I went to the expansion at a Church and found a reverend that guided me every night  to copy the teachings of Meishu-Sama and afterwards reflect about what I had copied. On the next day, in the beginning of the activities, I had to report what I had learned.

Back to Angola and during this pandemic phase, I have noticed that our reverend mostly uses the teachings of Meishu-Sama to guide us in the prayers, the effort that the reverend makes not to guide us without the teachings of the Messiah Meishu-Sama. The seminars made me reflect about the mission of the teachings.

As a result, I decided to practice this in my missionary life and every time I am faced with a situation I try not to guide based on my own perception but rather look for the teaching of Meishu-Sama that is related to that situation.

During this month, two testimonies have marked me and I would like to share with you today.

A missionary whose son is 22 years old and had lost his Ohikari, suddenly started to drink alcohol excessively and also to take drugs. Around 10pm, this young man went to his parents’ room, woke his mother up and started shouting at her for no reason which stopped her from sleeping. The father was so shocked that he kept quiet. In the morning, the father told his wife that when he comes back from work he no longer wanted to see their son at home as he was tired of his behaviour.

Very worried, his mom spoke with her sister in law who is a Center head, who afterwards reported to me what happened. As she gives service in another Johrei Center I asked her to come to the Johrei Center I give service at but at the three times we made an appointment, she did not come even though she was always saying she was on her way.

On a Wednesday,  after the service, the young man’s mother said to me “Sir, please help me because I do not know what else to do with my son! ”. She explained the whole situation to me and then I told her next day I would go to her house but asked her not to tell her son.

The next day when I went there, as soon as the boy saw me, he hid and then left through the back door. I prayed with his sisters and offered Johrei to the older one. While giving her Johrei I asked her about her love life and realized she had no clear goal with that relationship. So, I decided to study with her the teaching of Meishu-Sama on ” The philosophy of love ” , paragraph by paragraph and then she could understand Meishu-Sama’s view on love and relationships and said she was willing to change her attitude. I highlighted her mission as a daughter and as  Meishu-Sama’s follower, with the awareness that as we are young, we are the leaders of the 21st century.

After the Johrei, the young man came back thinking  I was gone and as soon as he saw me, he was surprised. I offered to give him Johrei and we were talking until he opened up to me about his personal life and his sufferings. We studied the teaching “What is the World Messianity”, so he would understand what is the mission of the members of our church and what he could do to deserve Meishu-Sama’s trust to gain permission to participate in the construction of  Paradise on Earth because Meishu-Sama is counting with him .

After that, he told me he understood and would try his best to deserve Meishu-Sama’s trust. Afterwards, I told him that I had to go home and because it was late he offered to accompany me. First, he went to his bedroom, took his drug and put it in his pocket. I did not say anything. On his way back, he decided to smoke again, and he got home at 10pm. He got home drunk and high, he called his mother and showed her a box full of whisky and half a kilo of drugs telling his mom he was going to leave that life behind. His mother could not believe it, thinking it was a lie. Days passed by and he did not smoke nor drink. After making this decision, he attended  the monthly service at the formation centre. His mom was very happy and reported to me that for two weeks he was not consuming anything illicit and became a member again.

His sister, after two weeks of our conversation, decided to ask her boyfriend about his purpose with the relationship and he said that he did not want anything with her and she was not a woman he would get married to, and they were only having fun. Upon hearing this, she went to the pharmacy and bought diazepam. On Wednesday around 9pm when she was going to take the pills, she saw my face. She tried for a second time and she saw my face again, so she took her phone and sent me a message saying that she wanted to die and  asked for help. As soon as I read the message I asked her to calm down and  I wanted to talk with her the next day. I also asked her not to do anything and to read the teachings of Meishu-Sama. She did that and fell asleep.

The next day, she came and told me the reasons why she wanted to commit suicide. That she had many expectations in the relationship, she was feeling used and many other things. She even went further and told me that  he was her teacher, and this year he impregnated a young girl and did not support the girl nor the baby in any way. She explained everything to me and at the end I helped her understand it was Meishu-Sama’s message and even though she was hurt, she should thank God, because she was saved by Meishu-Sama. And that perhaps because of the lifestyle he leads, he could have a sexually transmitted disease or something that would compromise her future. We studied Meishu-Sama’s teaching and at the end I read to her one of the text in the book finding a way and gave it to her to study. She who came crying, went back home happy and in the end thanked me saying I had saved her life. I gave her a task within the Church.

With this testimony of faith, I learned we should focus our lives on God’s teachings revealed to us by Meishu-Sama in all aspects of our daily life.

My commitment is to continue to deepen in people’s lives and share everything I learn from Meishu-Sama and continue making an effort to be closer to Meishu-Sama’s heart through the constant study of His teachings!

I thank Messiah Meishu-Sama and my ancestors. To all present, my sincere gratitude.

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