Ana Isabel Bento Muechala – Namibe JC/Angola_ENG

My name is Ana Isabel Bento Muechala. I am 31 years old, a full member and give service as an assistant of the home vegetable gardens.

I was guided to the World Messianic Church of Angola in the 6th of March of 2019 by Ms Olímpia.

The reasons that brought me to this wonderful path of salvation were diseases, conflicts and poverty.

My suffering started in 2011 after my mother passed away. My family members wanted to keep her house and other goods.

As her daughter, I didn’t allow that to happen and kept the house. My grandmother wished me bad luck and sometime later I started having nightmares and headaches.

I dreamed of my mother taking me and, to make matters worse, I started having epileptic seizures. As a result, I was dismissed from work.

As I couldn’t bear to stay in that house anymore, I ran away to my uncle’s house. He kicked me out of the house and so I lost support from my family. My grandmother and my uncle stopped talking with me.

With help from some friends, I began looking for sangomas, wasting a lot of money but the situation only got worse.

I went to two churches. In one of them, the pastor said my house was surrounded by demons and, in order to get rid of them, I needed to do prayers that would cost 25.000 kwanzas.

After the work, the pastor said  the demon was very strong so I needed to leave the house. I lived in a church for two years.

Even though I followed all the guidance, nothing got better. Ms Olímpia, a co-worker of mine, told me about the Messianic Church and the miracles that happen in it. Even though she did not attend the church, she invited me to try it.

At the church, I was received by the missionary who, after listening to me attentively, guided me to try the basic practices of the Messianic Faith.

I followed the guidance without difficulties, even when the purification got stronger. My epileptic seizures went from twice to five times a day. I wanted to abandon the church.

This didn’t happen because a member of the church took good care of me. She was with me every time things got tough and I had the permission to learn about the law of purification. The person in charge organized a team and we went to clean and place flowers in my whole house.

After this dedication, I gained permission to pray for my ancestors for the first time and  joined a team of young people that cleaned people’s houses. In these dedications I was trained to take care of other people, even though I was a member at the time.

As I focused on the practice of taking care of other people, I noticed that most of the people I took care of had the same epilepsy problem I had! I accepted that I had affinity with this disease and from that moment on I opened my heart, thanking for the purification! In a couple of days, I noticed a considerable change in my life.

Today, I sleep peacefully at home without nightmares, the epileptic seizures decreased from 5 times a day to a mild case that happens once in a month!

My grandmother and my uncle who didn’t greet me, do so today. When it was my birthday, they made me a cake, and now visit me, something that hadn’t happened in almost nine years.

As a way of expressing my gratitude, I made a donation to join the Messianic Faith and the donation to receive the Ohikari to better serve in the divine work. After the classes to become a full member, I became a full member of the Messianic Church in 2019 and received my Ohikari at the headquarters of Africa.

I learned that Meishu Sama is the Messiah awaited by humanity!

With this testimony of faith, I also could understand that gratitude is what connects us to the Supreme God, our toxins are eliminated and our ancestors receive the Divine Light which gives them the chance to overcome their suffering.

With permission from the Messiah Meishu Sama, I tithe, do the daily donation and have the home vegetable garden!

My commitment is to intensify the basic practises of faith to get  permission to save more people!

To the ministers, center heads and missionaries, my sincere gratitude!

To all who heard my testimony of faith, my sincere gratitude!


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