Firmino Luís António Ebo – JC Quibala – Kwanza Sul – Angola

My name is Firmino Luís António Ebo , I’m 24 years old, a full member of the church.

I was guided to the World Messianic Church in February 2012, through my mother, a member of the Church.

The reasons that led me to know the Church were illnesses. I had headaches, the phenomenon of night woman, nightmares and assimilation problems at school that resulted in me dropping out of school.

In search of a solution, I went through healers, prophets and hospitals.

I lived like this for some time. However, once, I was very ill and my mother, who was already attending the World Messianic Church, invited me to visit the church.  I replied there was no point in going as, there, the cures are slow and it would be best to visit a healer. So, I went to a family member who took me to the healer.

The healer told me I had met a couple of demons who were making me suffer. In order for these demons to set me free, I had to buy various utensils to make a table for the saints for the treatment which also included bathing and running.

After the treatment, I paid him and went home. Four days later, my health problems got worse.

Some time later, I had a dream in which one of the ancestors said that I made part of his grandfather’s maternal lineage. He also said  we received a spell to have money and for that we killed many people in my father’s family. So, I thought, “My God , I’m a very young man!  Why am I going through all these problems ? ”.

A few days after that , I had another dream. Another Ancestor told me: “Firmino , you are too young to die ! There is so much to do in this world! ”. I woke up scared. During 6 years of suffering, I couldn’t sleep and got out of bed to reflect about my life and when that suffering would end.

Thank God and Messiah Meishu-Sama, in 2017, I accepted my mother’s invitation and started attending the church.

At the church, I was received by a missionary who, after listening to me carefully, guided me to the basic practices of the Messianic Faith.

I started to receive Johrei and also made a deep reflection. I started making the march for the distribution of light flowers, I participated in the marches of visits to the homes of members and in the dedications at the farm.

I also began to follow members’ houses and with the commitment to the dedications , after three months, my six years’ suffering was over ! I am much healthier, I went back to school and now I can sleep peacefully, without worrying about the future !

For all of this, I materialized a donation of gratitude and have the goal to materialize the donation to receive the ohikari and serve in this great work of salvation!

By permission of the Supreme God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama, I have so far guided 40 people, 6 of whom are regular members . I take care of 3 houses with a total of 11 people . I also have the home vegetable garden. This faith has changed my life and my way of thinking !

My commitment is to become a full member to make other people happy !

I thank God, Messiah Meishu-Sama and my Ancestors for the permission to know this great Path of Salvation!

To all who carefully have listened to my experience of faith, my thanks !

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