My name is Maura Tatiana Américo Marraca, I am 23 years old, I have been a member of the Church since 2016 and I dedicate myself to the Johrei Center do Jardim.
I met the World Messianic Church in Mozambique in December 2015 through Brother Ernesto Vitorino Jambane, also a member of the Church.
What led me to know the church was curiosity, because at the time I believed that everything was fine with me, which made me dedicate myself to help my parents who were going through a complicated phase of their marriage more than 18 years ago. Thanks to God and Messiah Meishu-Sama, while dedicating myself to that goal, I was awakened to several problems that I had and that were overcome with the basic practices of faith. Some of these problems were gastritis due to poor diet, which allowed me to deepen my healthy diet through the practice of natural agriculture, family and emotional conflicts, lack of spiritual peace, fear and anxiety.
In 2019 I had the opportunity to experience the miracle I had been waiting for since I met the church, which was to see my parents living in harmony. Thanks to God and the Messiah Meishu-Sama, they renewed their vows and today we are a united family. It should be noted that I only had this permission after enthroning Kanon’s image in our house.
The experience of faith that I will report on is related to Johrei.
At the beginning of the second half of July of this year I got a very bad flu and because of the current situation of the Corona virus Pandemic, I had to be isolated at home. During purification, my parents recommended natural herbal treatments and flu remedies. During this period, I intensified in the self-administration of Johrei and in reading the teachings, I received assistance from a sister and I ate a lot of soup made with food from my home garden.
I confess that I was in a lot of pain, but I didn’t have to take the medication. I had the protection and better understanding by reading the teachings of Meishu-Sama that talked about the flu. He read over and over again and thanked the blessing of being able to eliminate those toxins. When I was almost recovered from the flu, I had an asthmatic attack. Since I became a member, I have reduced the use of medication by almost 90%, but I was unable to do this with asthma because I was very afraid of the disease, since I had suffered from it since I was 4 years old. Since then I have done several treatments, both conventional and traditional medicine, but none of them had the expected effect. In this last crisis I gained strength and even desperate for the fact of not being able to breathe normally, I put my hand on my chest and administered myself to Johrei calling for Meishu-Sama until I fell asleep.
Upon waking up, he noticed that he was already better; I continued the practices of faith and received assistance until I fully recovered. I went to our headquarters to materialize my donation of gratitude, but I still feel that this was not enough, so I am preparing to thank at the height, even though I know that nothing will be enough, because once again I had the life saved. After long years of suffering I was able to see the light and be calm about a disease that cannot be cured by medicine. With this experience, I gained even more conviction in Johrei and have reserved some time just for self-administration, something whose effect I sometimes doubted because I was receiving it from my own hands. I also reconfirmed that Meishu-Sama is the long-awaited Messiah for humanity. To the Supreme God, to Messiah Meishu-Sama and to my ancestors and ancestors my deep and eternal gratitude for leading me on this path of salvation and a special thanks to Sister Josefa Jone who always gives me religious assistance at home. To the ministers, teachers, members, regulars and faithful in general, my thanks to everyone.