Bikakala Jaques – Talangai JC – Congo Brazzaville

My name is Bikakala Jaques, I am a candidate for full membership.

Throughout my life, I suffered from extreme poverty, which neighbours called me by the name “chronic poor”. My wife suffered from stomach pains that prevented her from doing anything. The lack of financial means, aggravated the disease, made us the scum of society, we lacked everything, from food to clothing and to make it worse, we had no place to sleep. It was a life of great suffering!

Our purification touched many people, until one day, Mama Teresa, compassionate with us, invited me to try Johrei. I accepted the invitation, in the face of strong opposition from my wife, who attended another Church. I was received by the missionary who listened to me carefully and guided me to effortly receive Johrei, daily. On this day I received a lot of johrei.

At night, I had a dream that my wife had recovered her health and was well. The next morning, I told her about the dream but, doubtful, she said nothing! I continued to receive a lot of Johrei, as instructed. A week later, we received the first miracle; my wife, even though she was not a church attendant, got rid of the disease, as I had dreamed.

This made our belief in Meishu-Sama and johrei increase. In fact, with this miracle, my wife also started to receive Johrei. Without financial means to thank for the grace, we were instructed to distribute flowers, talking about our testimony of faith to people, setting up vegetable gardens in the homes of people who agreed to receive the flower and bringing them to church, one person per week. Two weeks later, we had brought 4 people, setted up 4 gardens and distributed 20 flowers.

To our amazement, one of my relatives, offered us a house. We are currently setting up a business that allows us to make a daily donation and tithe.

We are accompanying 4 houses, 9 members, including 4 active members and 5 external ones.

Our life has improved a lot. To thank for this and other changes, we practice tithe, a daily donation of gratitude and materialize a special donation. We also applied for full membership to better serve Meishu-Sama and our ancestors.

I learned that spiritual poverty is the real cause of material poverty! I also learned that as long as man does not seek to make others happy, he will continue to suffer!

Our commitment is for me and my wife to become full members and together we serve as instruments of the Messiah Meishu-Sama!

I thank the sister and her ancestors who did everything so that we could know this way of salvation! To all who shared this faith report, my eternal gratitude!

Thank you all!

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